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The Book of Lies (swoosh)

From: Mister Motivator
Category: Other stuff
Date: 16 April 2001


Found, fairly briefly, in many gyms. A small square plain book wrapped in clingfilm like an art book. A genuine artistic successor to the Diary of Bridget Jones, if nothing else. Dedication all the women who have told these lies. Starts off ver sporty, soon swerves to the gym. And a not at all disguised advert. It’s a bit like one of those Private Eye annuals; scrappy, inventive, derivative. But not really ironic enough. There’s nothing dark here, all hint of the actual self-loathing expunged. Can’t blame the production values, it smells really good. And its too obviously scrappy. Pictures pixellated (well, lined), fonts that look like manual typewriters – what kind of shoddy enterprise disguises professionalism with amateurism? Modern art? There are a pair of crossed fingers on every page, for goodness sake. The book comes complete with a tiny little book of truth at the back, quite an amusing reference to all those other little books. But it is all reference, reference and no inference – the perfect useful adjective, a perfect reflection of lying advertised culture which makes you pay attention for an inordinately long time. There’s nothing to be learnt here. Have you seen What Women Want?

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