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From: jane
Category: Reviews of worldwidereview
Date: 14 August 2001


I am not sure whether the reviewer is being ironic in missing the point so magnificently, but likely he/she is just moronic. His/her description of the eclectic top 10 reviews appearing on wwr as being unfocused stems from his/her probable immersion in the net culture of vain and pointless websites minutely documenting the arcane (self)obsessions of the nerds who make them, and which can appeal to noone but their few cronies.

In an intellectual world where boundaries between high and low culture no longer exist, and where the chatter of all classes ranges from Dawson's Creek to Situationist-inspired Riots, where the best stuff is often the crap, and where angry or even intelligent criticism has been extinguished and replaced by description and gossip, what is needed is criticism without boundaries. Worldwidereview attempts to provide such writing, and it is obvious to me that regardless of whether it succeeeds or fails, the need for such voices will only grow for it is an endeavour that is both clear and worthwhile.

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