SUPERPOSED until dec 9th 2001

From: naya
Category: Exhibitions
Date: 28 November 2001


exhibition at a new fine space ferguson mcdonald gallery 10 princelet st. 4 artists of one of them there was a performance, now a video performance on a monitor. She (anita ponton) uses collaged playback of hollywood movies, performs on top, like an actor, mixing male female angry sweet voices in a most of the time nonsense dialog. Annabelle dalby shows photographs of middle class middle englad mum's shelves. the subject of the show is layering, in some cases this is clear, but not throughout the show. We shoould see formal layer's in jaime gili's paintings and photographic pieces, and in Eduardo Padilhas videos, but this is either very simple or just inexistent. A nice group show in a good space, a nice street too, princelet st. JAime gili shows a large painting and two small, and a photographic piece with engraved glass. Very clean, subject uncertain. Eduardop shows video of himself trying to fit his own face in projections of old passport photographs. succeds with music fomr brazilian dj. go see it, its also open sundays with bricklane and other markets.

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