Paris-Barcelona, Grand Palais, metro Elysees-Clemenceau, 8e    til 14.1.02

From: Remi
Category: Exhibitions
Date: 29 November 2001


Scenes from development stages. Insert them onto today's pages, what a revelation! Saintly atmosphere diffuses through first room: Church sketches. Sagrada Familia model. Other sultry evocations care of Espluges and Zerkowitz. Good roller-blading. When will it be practised with same vehemence in London as in Paris? You are cordially invited into the realm of lateral thinking. Rodin's room throws up beguiled couples shot through with timeless contours. Mirrors, dreams, reflections. 2 screens facing each other: a tale of two cities at play. In painting feel the astonishing velocity of the tandem bicycle. Maria Pidelserra's soothing autumnal vision glows beyond the other oblongs. Colourful refracted glances of Juan Gris. Rather puzzling. Francis Picabia delighted in displacing our acceptance of painting. He's not the only one. Photo room full of cut-out images slip-sliding across the wall. Scarily colourful apocalypse by Andre Masson. Sketches from Spain: Guernica in preparation. Two different appearances of same woman counter-posed. One in cumbersome, elaborate dress, the other as a militant. Reminded of present events.

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