The Bartered Bride, opera Prague December 2001

From: Rudi Scholl
Category: Other stuff
Date: 08 January 2002


Smetana's simple story with its linguistic twist was curiously enjoyable, despite the rather touristic atmosphere of the non-full house. The singers were somewhat drowned out by the orchestra, and were by no means stretching themselves; But still the set a volumetric two storey house, the volk dancing and circus scenes, and the mundane plot managed to create a lively and informal energy, as well as a surprising humanity. These outdated forms: opera, painting, hand drawn cartoons, graffiti, tapestry etc come at one from unusual angles and can burst through our hubristic defences and please or communicate with one. They are unloved by the masses because they require an entry level intelligence and patience, they have not much hope of a comeback because they are a bit boring and strange.

translated from the German by Francis Scholl

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