Fame and Promise - 2/08/2002

From: Monisha Saldanha
Category: Exhibitions
Date: 06 August 2002


Jasper Joffe's installation piece evoked a range of responses from the crowd at the "Fame and Promise" opening. Lubricated by the open bar, I approached a group of three men gathered around Jasper's piece. "What do you think of this?" I asked the startled group, interupting their conversation and startling them into silence. "Well?" I prompted. This was not going well. Nevertheless I persisted (American-style) to harrass strangers into giving up their opinions, which ranged from "disjointed" and "difficult to access" to "clever political references" and "good use of colour". Everyone I approached had a strong reaction to Jasper's work, which is perhaps the highest compliment to an artist. What could be worse than sinking without a trace? Something tells me Jasper won't have to worry about that...

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