
The Mound Builders of Ancient North  America:  15 March 2004

From: Eduardo Barrientos, author; existential poet & shaman
Category: Books
Date: 15 March 2004


Ancient Mound Builders created thousands of sacred earthen structures all across America. These native Indian cultures flourished for more than 4000 years before the first European settlers came to this continent, creating mysterious giant earthen shaped of birds, bears, snakes, men, and alligator mounds. They also created great conical mounds that held the bones of their leaders and loved ones. Who were these sophisticated and spiritual ancient people? Here is a brilliant new book, beautifully illustrated with TimeLine and Maps, to answer some of our most pressing questions. "The Mound Builders of Ancient North America: 4000 years of American Indian Art, Science, Engineering, & Spirituality reflected in majestic Earthworks & Artifacts" by Author/Illustrator E. Barrie Kavasch, a descendant of Pocahontas. Ancestors of modern Indians, the ancient Mound Builders were talented farmers, hunters, fishermen, midwives, shamans, & artists who held special reverence for Mother Earth. Learn more about them and see some of their amazing artistic achievements inside this stunning new book, available in hardcover for $30.95, or paper for $20.95 directly from www.iuniverse.com > "bookstore" ...
