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Edward Hopper at The Tate Modern London

From: rat
Category: Exhibitions
Date: 02 June 2004


The crowds are swarming round the Hoppers, they want to eat up the melancholy deutsche romantik schmaltz that he peddles with his scrubby paintings hung in the hallowed pompous halls of modernity. Close the modern down! someone shouts, clean out the art instead,another adds, and just put a bunch of comfy sofas for patrons to stare at the infinite fascinating poetic gray beautiful pwoewrful river, why waste on art, all we need is good espresso and a view and some gifts shop with postcards to send to our friends.

Hopper, hoper, hip hopper. The paintings are poor in perspective, drawing, and application of paint. That doesn't make them bad. It means only that they're good for the same reason a Barnett Newman is good: no reason. They're as good as most other bad painting, and not as great as great. Oh yes. Lonely people sit around in diners, such a possibility is gone, the madding crowds crane their wrinkly necks to see the famous paintings of loneliness.

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