
Before Sunrise, Blockbuster Video

From: Remi
Category: Films
Date: 31 July 2004


After returning from a strenuous day of selling my nursing wares around East London, I settled down to a quiet early morning session in front of the television. My house mate suggested watching a video. And I acquiesced. I'm glad I got to use that word. To begin with my eyes smarted at the raw emotion, but once I could accept it I tucked right into the film and enjoyed it a great deal. It brought my youth and innocence back to me and gave me the hope of romantic salvation in the form of female company. The two actors, through their sheer wizadry, made the proceedings quite credible and the amusing by-standers broke up the tension by stopping things getting too heavy. It varied the drama while keeping true to the film's intentions. After all, 2 hours of heavy petting could get tiresome no matter how genuine it is. When the end drew near, I was quite sad at having to say goodbye to my entwined benefactors and hoped to see them at a cinema screen near me, before too long.
