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Million dollar baby a film

From: mack
Category: Films
Date: 22 January 2005


Boxing rocky movie crossed with coma afternoon tv melodrama. Oscar quality? Oscar the dog. Clint Eastwood thinks he's god. His usual monosyllabic monomaniacal, tough guy with heart of gold performance, an excuse for risible acting. .Misogynistic, racist, fattist. A pretty girl called Swank, gets him to train her to be a champ, yes boss, yes boss, she says in her cutesy pie southern voice. Her mother is overweight therefore an evil golddigger. A black man sweeps the gym floor, and does the voice-over in dignified noble negro tones full of dusty bromides, you guessed it, shaw wank redemption's Morgan freeman. Oh and the woman who clearly loves the grisseled Clint, (swank and clint, the muffled sounds of sex) gets sucker punched in the championship bout, and off to hospital she goes. Clint now has total control of the paraplegic still smiling Swank, and gets the honour of pulling the plug on our pugilist. Beautiful young woman worships the great man, gets punished for having the temerity to become a lady-fighter, and the wrinkly clint kisses her cheek and shoots her up with death. Produced and directed by Clint Eastwood. Control freak.

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