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Frida Kahlo, Rebecca Horn, Mooladé, Rois et Reine

From: Emmy
Category: Reviews of worldwidereview
Date: 17 June 2005


The South Bank has a distinctly feminist flavour at the moment. The particularly beautiful depictions by Frida and Rebecca of Saint-Sebastian-like images speak of female martyrdom in the modern age. The theme of suffering is graphically expressed by both artists, and felt as viscerally in Kahlo's work as in the most graphic scenes of circumcision in Mooladé, a film by the African director Sembene. The mood of Horn's work is echos melancholy rather than causing real pain. A melancholy which is perhaps equally felt in the new French film, Rois et Reine, which, like all these works, seeks to make understand the present by using ancient understandings and mythology. So much could be said about these pieces which are all, to my mind, marvellous. But the summer's evening calls.

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