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Steve Hollingshead: The London Wall Project , Phase 2 Spitz Gallery  Aug-Sep

From: Gorg
Category: Art
Date: 26 August 2005


Lots of terrible, boring pictures of events in London that have gone on since January 2004. These are black and white photographs that are in fact grey and white which is perhaps symbolic of how dull they are, and how dull they have made their subject matter. The usual attempt to capture some thing witty ( eg. man appears to have water spouting out of his mouth…. But ah no it is in fact a fountain in front of him. 2. man holds magazine with face on it over his face.3. I don’t think I can manage a third) in the old style photojournalism which we have had enough of thank you. The idea is to capture some of the capitals multiculturalism, and the photos record community celebrations and so on, but I think the most interesting thing about this exhibition is a game you can play (self initiated) called ‘Spot the area’. I was quite pleased with my self for recognising the British Museum from just a few shadows on the wall.

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