
Re: Polish maids in London

From: polish maid
Category: Art
Date: 13 January 2006


I used to work for one noble man in england, who´s just poor as I am. He had the manners of polish aristocracy, what means, that He presented himself as rich,- excesively rich, however He was actualy dying of misery. He does not work as I do. He instead chased the wealthy women, believing that these were wealthy really. He did not admit that also these women are about the same, miserable, showing of. He believed in diversity ...He did not notice that we all are almost ecqual, under skin -polish aristocrats, cheaters, believers,..whatever. His naiv acting brought him to the edge, in his hidden misery He got too much involved into idea that now He´s getting it.. That now He´s winning. He engaged many other cheaters into this rubbish utopistic game, made them suffering for to realise on the end, that the other cheaters want to exist. He ends up as the servant in Poland, the last proper servant in the world. I knew from my experience that the people who employ the maid tend to be the maids., or used to be. I have now also a maid working for me.,one british dumbo of lost dignity and no resistance.
